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Tooth-Colored Fillings – Hingham, MA

A Discreet Way to Repair Decayed Teeth

Blonde female dental patient giving thumbs up

It’s always best to have a cavity treated before it can turn into an even more severe oral health issue. However, traditional metal fillings can leave you feeling less than confident about your smile. Luckily, restorative dentistry has come a long way over the years; today, Dr. Hegazi can repair your decayed tooth with a tooth-colored filling that blends right in! Give us a call if you think you might have a cavity that needs to be repaired with a tooth-colored filling.

Why Choose Admired Smiles Dental Center for Tooth-Colored Fillings?

What are Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Illustration of tooth with tooth-colored filling in Hingham, MA

A dental filling is a type of restoration that is used to fill the space left by a cavity. Our practice uses tooth-colored fillings that are made out of composite resin. This material can mimic the appearance of natural tooth enamel, and it can be shaded to match the shade of your unique smile. On top of that, since composite resin bonds directly with the tooth, it reduces the amount of enamel that needs to be removed to make room for the filling.

The Process of Getting a Tooth-Colored Filling

Man in dental chair smiling with hands folded

Placing a tooth-colored filling generally only requires one appointment. Here’s a quick overview of the steps involved:

The Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

Man sitting and smiling while holding glasses

Why do so many dentists nowadays favor tooth-colored fillings over traditional ones? Here’s a look at some of the benefits that they have to offer: